University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) – Chien-Te Kent Tseng

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded a grant of USD 652,730 to support research into countermeasures for pandemic influenza

The project addresses an unmet need in its goal to increase the arsenal of treatment opportunities for pandemic influenza particularly the circulating HPAI H5N1’s. The objective of the project is to evaluate the efficacy of the novel investigational small molecule VNT-101 against HPAI H5N1 virus infections including the bovine H5N1 strain, in vitro and in mice. VNT-101 has been developed as a novel influenza antiviral against seasonal influenza, however, as VNT-101 is a first-in-class antiviral targeting a highly conserved influenza protein, this new drug is also likely to be effective against HPAI’s incl. the bovine H5N1 strain, which is important should these viruses fully adapt to spread among humans in the future.

The efficacy of VNT-101 will be evaluated when administrated alone or in combinations with FDA-approved influenza antivirals, to document the efficacy of VNT-101 (developed by Via Nova Therapeutics) against HPAI’s, and if combination therapy could enhance the efficacy and/or the therapeutic window against HPAI’s. The 2-year project is led by Professor Chien-Te Kent Tseng, UTMB, who has assembled a capable team from UTMB with access to state-of-the-art infrastructure to conduct the project. The project will commence early 2025.

Picture: Chien-Te Kent Tseng, provided by Chien-Te Kent Tseng